Scene 126 Latin Text Legend of the Holy Cross Mast Mast Shield Shield Shield Shield Shield Shield Flames Sail Sail Sail Stempost Steersman Erland Thorfinnson Olaf III of Norway Clews Sternpost Viking Longship Pitchfork Haystack peasant Scythe Peasant German Sea Border Decoration Border Decoration Border Decoration Scene 127 Legend of the Holy Cross Threshing Threshing Destrier Forest Dragonshead Viking Longship Ship\'s Captain Dragonshead Sail German Sea Border Decoration Border Decoration Scene 128 Latin Text The Goat Herder and the Wild Goats Burial of the Holy Relics Legend of the Holy Cross Harvesting Harvesting Decapitated Waggoner Terrier Headless Waggoner Yoke Sword Stirrup Coat Saddle Destrier Destrier Draft horse Draft horse Helmet Styrkar the Marshal Border Decoration Border Decoration