Scene 140 Vitalis de Cantebrie Vitalis de Cantebrie Gonfanon Huon Margot Scout The Ass and His Driver The Farmer and His Sons The Crab and the Fox The Wild Boar and the Fox Latin Text Latin Text Latin Text Latin Text Shield Shield Shield Shield Shield Saddle Saddle Saddle Saddle Saddle Sword Courser Courser Courser Courser Courser Lance Cantle Saddle Girth Belt Girth Belt Girth Belt Courser Telham Hill Blackhorse Hill The Ant and the Chrysalis The Shepherd and the Whelp The Two Dogs Border Decoration Border Decoration Border Decoration Border Decoration Border Decoration Border Decoration Border Decoration Scene 141 Telham Hill Tree Tree Tree Battle Ridge English lookout The Weasel and the Mice The Old Hound The Fox and the Mask The Gnat and the Bull Latin Text Shield Courser Lance Sword Shield Sword Shield Spear Spear Spear Spear Helmet Blackhorse Hill The Tyrant Frog The Man, the Boy and the Monkey Border Decoration Border Decoration Border Decoration Border Decoration Border Decoration Scene 142 English lookout King Harold King Harold Tree Telham Hill The Ass and the Old Shepherd The Swollen Fox Mercury and the Workmen Jupiter, Neptune, Minerva and Momus Latin Text Latin Text Latin Text Latin Text Sword Spear Spear Destrier Destrier Saddle Sword Destrier Shield Destrier Destrier Saddle Destrier Club Duke William Stirrup Strap Stirrup A Wife and a Drunken Husband The Sow and the Bitch The Dog and the Physician The Ass and the Raven Border Decoration Border Decoration Border Decoration Border Decoration Border Decoration