Scene 156 The Old Hoare Apple Tree Bishop Odo Mace Caldbec Hill Caldbec Hill The Dolphins, the Whales, and the Sprat The Ass and the Frogs The Ass and the Mule Latin Text Latin Text Fyrd Shield Shield Fyrd Fyrd Spear Spear Lance Lance Spear Shield Destrier Saddle Cantle Lance Guillaume d Arques Battle Axe Fyrd Fyrd Pommel Scabbard Spear Spear Shield Scabbard Fallen Soldier Shield Sire de Drincourt Sire de Drincourt Sire de Drincourt Destrier Saddle Shield Spear Shield Saddle Destrier Eudo Dapifer Destrier Abbot Leofric Destrier Eudo Dapifer Lance Lance Stirrup Caldbec Hill Caldbec Hill Caldbec Hill Spear Scabbard Stirrup Strap Girth Belt Gambeson Border Decoration Border Decoration Border Decoration Scene 157 Duke William Sword Sword The Ass and the Mule The Farmer and the Snake The Viper and the File The Ass Carrying the Image Latin Text Latin Text Latin Text Latin Text Lance Lance Shield Severed Head Decapitated Soldier Shield Sword Nicholas Balistarius Bow Odo Balistarius Bow Berner Balistarius Bow Quiver Fulchere Balistarius Quiver Bow Saddle Saddle William Fitz Osbern William de Moulins Walter de Aincourt Bernard de St.Valery Bernard de St.Valery Saddle Saddle Destrier Destrier Destrier Shield Shield Sword Sword Shield Shield Destrier Shield Saddle Saddle Destrier Destrier Lance Helmet Nasal Border Decoration Border Decoration Border Decoration Scene 93 The Papal Banner Eustace of Boulogne Eustace of Boulogne The Ass in the Lions Skin The Mole and His Mother Latin Text Latin Text Latin Text Latin Text Latin Text Latin Text Gilbert Balistarius Hugh Balistarius Heppo Balistarius Ralph Balistarius Quiver Quiver Quiver Quiver Bow Bow Bow Bow Destrier Saddle Saddle Saddle Shield Destrier Destrier Girth Belt Stirrup Spur Shield Shield Destrier Saddle Robert de Estoutville Robert de Estoutville Roger de Montgomeri Destrier Destrier Norman Archer Norman Archer Bow Bow Bow Godbold Reins Reins Lance Sword Sword Cross of Saint George Border Decoration Border Decoration