Scene 27 Quicksand Quicksand Quicksand River Couesnon River Couesnon Shield Shield Earl Harold Shield The Serpent and the Eagle The Ant and the Dove Latin Text Sword Scabbard Palfrey Shield Palfrey Sword Hugh de Rosel Gerard de Tornai Auvrai de Tanie Roger de Montigny Hugh de Maci William le Brun Saddle Hilt Hilt Girth Belt Pisces Serpens Abbot Ranulphe of Mont-St-Michel Throne Border Decoration Border Decoration Border Decoration Quicksand Scene 28 Centaurus The Piglet, the Sheep and the Goat The Eagle, the Cat and the Wild Sow The Dog and the Cook Latin Text Latin Text Saddle Hugh de Toulouse Shield Shield Herbert de St. Quintin Palfrey Saddle Alain le Roux Baldwin de St. George Saddle Palfrey Palfrey Palfrey Palfrey Shield Shield Shield Palfrey Spear Spear Counterscarp Saddle Saddle Saddle Lance Girth Belt Reins Girth Belt Woollen Stockings Stirrup Trousered Tunic Woollen stocking Breast Band Stirrup Strap Stirrup Spur Wooden Steps Boötes Knife Eel Eel Badger Badger Arcturus Aquila Lupus Border Decoration Border Decoration Border Decoration Scene 29 Count Conan Birds Shields Dol Castle Rope Rope Ditch The Dog and the Hare The Dog and the Oyster The Frogs Asking for a King Latin Text Latin Text Gate House Wooden Steps Ditch Shield Saddle Destrier Shield Destrier Shield Destrier Saddle Shield Saddle Destrier Le Seigneur de St. Martin Jordan de Raat Saddle Anchitel de Gray Shield Spear Counterscarp Counterscarp Destrier Saddle Destrier Robert de Pontchardon Saddle Saddle Lance Lance Lance Phrygian Cap Shield The Arab and the Camel The Ass carrying Salt Border Decration Border Decration Border Decration Border Decration Border Decration Border Decration