Scene 31 The Wolf and the Shepherds The Goatherd and the Wild Goats The Thrush and the Fowler Latin Text Latin Text Shield Shield Robert de Ossel Saddle Saddle Destrier Destrier Shield Shield Saddle Shield Fulcher de Maloure Richard de Manieres Saddle Destrier Destrier Destrier Destrier Gatehouse Wooden Steps Counterscarp Geoffrey of Anjou Shield Geoffrey of Anjou Shield Spear Saddle Saddle Lance Lance Lance Lance Lance Lance The Nurse and the Wolf Beeves and the Butchers The Labourer and the Snake Border Decoration Border Decoration Border Decoration Border Decoration Border Decoration Border Decoration Scene 32 Torch Torch Torch Fortifications of Dinan Torch Count Conan Keys of the City shield The Vain Jackdaw The Wolf and the Sheep Latin Text Latin Text Lucy Tihel de Herioun Gonfanon Gonfanon shield Sword Sword Counterscarp Shield Robert de Mosters Ivo de Lanvallei Geoffroi de la Guierche Picotus de Laceles Keep Oriflamme Lance Gonfannon Destrier Spear Spear Spear Spear Spear Shield Shield Keep Spear Saddle Duke William Shield Duke William Lance Lance Hilt Hilt The Countryman and the Snare The Old Woman and the Wine-Jar The Wasp and the Snare Border Decorations Border Decorations Border Decorations Border Decorations Scene 33 Duke William Earl Harold The Wolf and the Sheep The wolf in Sheeps Clothing The Woman and Her Hen Latin Text Latin Text Latin Text Shield Scabbard Shield Destrier Scabbard Destrier Gonfanon Gonfanon Destrier Shield Durand de Pistres Harduin de Scallers Destrier Destrier Saddle Lance Lance Lance Lance Girth Belt The Wasp and the Snare The man and His Two Wives The Dogs House Border Decoration Border Decoration Border Decoration Border Decoration Border Decoration Border Decoration