Scene 40 Westminster Abbey The Hand of God Godwin Gretsith Weather Cock The Peacock and Juno The Swallow and the Crow The Lion, the Mouse and the Fox Latin Text Latin Text Edward's shrouded body Embroidered Pall Acolyte Bell Walking Stick Crosier Pole Nave Cupola Finial Finial Cruciform Regenbald Asgar Brihtric Bondig Pall Bearers The Bee, the drone and the Wasp The One Eyed Doe The Mountebank and the Countryman Border Decoration Border Decoration Border Decoration Border Decoration Border Decoration Border Decoration Scene 41 Edwards Shrouded Body Embroidered Pall Pallbearers Acolyte Bell Bell Acolyte Bell Leofric Eadwine Giso Wulstan Aegelwine Hermann Westminster Palace King Edward Attendant Queen Edith The Lion, the Mouse and the Fox The Lion and the Three Bulls The Lion and the Mouse Latin Text Latin Text Latin Text Cerement Prayer Book Prayer Book Goscelin Crosier Orphrey Chasuble Chasuble Chasuble Chasuble Alb Surplice Surplice Baldwin, Abbot of Bury St. Edmunds Baldwin, Abbot of Bury St. Edmunds Kerchief Long Gown Canopy Bed Canopy Bed Canopy Bed Cruciform Canopy Bed Shroud Circular Brooch The Farmer and his Dogs The Bald Knight The Herdsman and the Lost Bull Border Decoration Border Decoration Border Decoration Border Decoration Shrub Scene 42 King Edward Attendant King Edward Robert Fitz-Wimarc Earl Harold Westminster Palace The Crown of England Axe Earl Harold The Wolves and the Sheep Latin Text Latin Text Latin Text Latin Text Cerement Pillow Pillow Canopy bed Canopy bed Canopy bed Painted Chamber Westminster Palace Circular Brooch Alb Orphrey Rochet Rochet Rochet Cushion Stigand, Archbishop of Canterbury Stigand, Archbishop of Canterbury Circular Brooch Square Brooch Canopy bed Circular Brooch Latin Text Edwin Morcar The Frog and the Ox The Heifer and the Ox Shrub Shrub Bird Shrub