Scene 44 Halley\'s Comet Latin Text Latin Text Astrologer Ghost Ships Westminster Abbey Royal Palace of Westminster Cupola Cupola Teinfrith Onlookers Leofsi Duddeson Onlookers Onlookers The Husbandman and the Sea The Wolf, the Fox and the Ape Dome Halley\'s Comet Halley\'s Comet Border Decoration Border Decoration The Solent Scene 45 Astrologer King Harold Tree Ghost Ships The Philosopher, the Ants and Mercury Latin Text Latin Text Throne Throne Throne Throne Sternpost Rudder Steersman Viking Longship Royal Palace of Westminster Dais Spear Tip English Channel Finial Finial Cupola Square Brooch Pisces The Farthing Rushlight Sword Crown Halley\'s Comet Halley\'s Comet Bird Bird The Solent Border Decoration Border Decoration Border Decoration Scene 46 Depth Sounder Ralph of Wader Steersman Anchor Plummet-Line Pennant Conderay The Swallow, the Serpent and the Court of Justice Latin Text Latin Text Viking Longship Stempost Sail Mast Hawser English Channel The Pilot and the Mariners The Stork, the Goose, and the Hawk The Shipwreck of Simonides Border Decoration Border Decoration Border Decoration Border Decoration