Library Index

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History of the Norman Conqest - Vol. 3 Freeman
William the Conqueror Freeman
The Conqueror and His Companions Planche
Master Wace Taylor
The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle Ingram
Saxon Leechdoms, Wortcunning and Starcraft of Early England Cockayne
Costume & Fashion Norris
The History of England and Normandy Vol. 2 Palgrave
William the Conqueror Stenton
Harold Lytton
The Comic History of England a'Becket
The Lives of The Queens of England Strickland
Heimskringla, The Chronicle of the Kings of Norway Sturlson
History of the Kings of Britain Monmouth
Ecclesiastical History of the English People Bede
Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland : Volume 2 Holinshed
Battle Abbey Roll Burke
The History of England Hume
Lives of the Queens of England Before the Norman Conquest Hall
Battle Abbey Roll Duchess of Cleveland
The Bayeux Tapestry Elucidated John C.Bruce
The Bayeux Tapestry Hillaire Belloc
Vitae Haroldi Walter de Grey Birch
The Bayeux Tapestry Frank Rede Fowke
All About Runes Wikipedia Compilation by M. Linton
Book of Runes Compiled By M. Linton
Norse Mythology Wikipedia Compilation by M. Linton
Falcons and Falconry Wikipedia Compilation by M. Linton
Royal Family : Line of Succession Wikipedia Compilation by M. Linton
History of Navigation Wikipedia Compilation by M. Linton
Dutch Royal Family Wikipedia Compilation by M. Linton
Great Domesday Professor John Palmer
Domesday Landholders Professor John Palmer
Roman roads in Britain Wikipedia Compilation by M. Linton
Medieval Shipping Wikipedia Compilation by M. Linton
Medieval Armour Wikipedia Compilation by M. Linton
Helmets Wikipedia Compilation by M. Linton
Swords Wikipedia Compilation by M. Linton
Spears Wikipedia Compilation by M. Linton
Clubs Mace and Battle-Axes Wikipedia Compilation by M. Linton
Bows and Arrows Wikipedia Compilation by M. Linton
Flags and Banners Wikipedia Compilation by M. Linton
Horse Tack Wikipedia Compilation by M. Linton
The Crusades Wikipedia Compilation by M. Linton
Crusader Castles Wikipedia Compilation by M. Linton
The Crown Jewels Wikipedia Compilation by M. Linton


Ordericus Vitalis, History of England and Normandy Vol. 1 Forester
Ordericus Vitalis, History of England and Normandy Vol. 2 Forester
History of the Norman Conqest - Authority of the Bayeux Tapestry Freeman
William of Malmesbury, Chronicle of the kings of England Giles
Capgraves chronicle of England Hingeson
Lanfranc Macdonald
The History of England and Normandy Vol. 4 Palgrave
Roger of Wendover, Flowers of History Vol. 1 Giles
History of the Anglo-Saxons Palgrave
The Kings and Queens of England Bigelow
Feudal England Round
The Bayeux Tapestry - Archaeologia, Volume 18 Hudson Gurney
The Bayeux Tapestry - Archaeologia, Volume 17 Abbe de la Rue
The Bayeux Tapestry - British Archaeological Association  
The Bayeux Tapestry - Curiosities of literature Bolton Corney
The Bayeux Tapestry - The Popular History of England Charles Knight
The Bayeux Tapestry - Mirror of literature, Volume 23 Reuben Percy
The Bayeux Tapestry - Penny cyclopaedia, Volume 4  
The Bayeux Tapestry - Memoirs, including original journals Charles Stothard
The Bayeux Tapestry - Half hours of English history Charles Knight
The Bayeux Tapestry - The Gentleman's Magazine, Volume 11  
The Bayeux Tapestry - The Gentleman's Magazine, Volume 44  
The Bayeux Tapestry - The Gentleman's Magazine, Volume 167 Bolton Corney
The Bayeux Tapestry - Archaeologia, Volume 19 Thomas Amyot
The Bayeux Tapestry - Chambers's encyclopædia, Volume 1 Ephraim Chambers
The Bayeux Tapestry - Account of tour in Normandy, Volume 2 Dawson Turner
The Bayeux Tapestry - Picturesque tour in France, Volume 1 Thomas F.Dibdin
The Bayeux Tapestry - The Art of Needle-Work Countess of Wilton

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