Roach (Rutilus rutilus)
Average Size : 35cm
Spawning : April and May
Distribution : throughout most of Europe
Fishing : Sweetcorn, maggots or worms.
Description : Red fins, bluish silvery body.
White belly. Recognized by the big red spot in the iris above and beside
the pupil.
Average Size : 5 cm
Spawning : From late April
Distribution : Asia North America and Europe. Northern Hemisphere only.
Fishing : Hand net and a jam Jar.
Description :The base of the tail is slender.
The caudal fin has 12 rays. The dorsal fin has 10 to 14 rays; in front
of it are the three spines that give the fish its name.
Colour is normally mottled, brownish-green, paler on the underside. A
breeding male has a bright red belly and blue eyes.
Dace (Leuciscus leuciscus)
Average Size : 15 cm
Spawning : spring
Distribution : Europe and Asia
Fishing : Caught on waggler-fished maggot
Description : subterminal mouth; subequal jaw,
upper lip tip about level with center of eye; 47-52 scales in lateral
line; caudal fin forked with 19 rays.
Barbel (Barbus barbus)
Average Size : 75 cm
Spawning : May, June and July
Distribution : Europe, Asia, Africa
Fishing : Maggots, worms, luncheon meat, halibut pellets
Description : The name barbel derived from the
Latin barba, meaning beard, a reference to the two pairs of barbs on the
side of the mouth a longer pair pointing forwards and slightly
Average Size : 11 cm
Spawning : Eggs are laid from April to August.
Distribution : Found in lakes and rivers throughout Europe.
Fishing :Use maggots. Gudgeon feed on insect larvae such as midge, caddis-fly,
bloodworm, may-fly, crustaceans and molluscs.
Description : Long, slender, rounded body. There
is a labial barbel at each corner of its mouth. Its head is wide and flattened.
There are 40 to 45 large scales along the lateral line. Usually greenish-brown
above and silvery on the sides, this fish has a row of six to twelve faint
dark blotches running along the flank.
Pike (Esox lucius)
Average Size : 70120 cm
Spawning : Pike spawn in spring when the water temperature reaches 9 °C
Distribution : Found in fresh water throughout the Northern Hemisphere.
Fishing : Dead baits, lure fishing, and jerk baiting.
Description : Olive green, shading from yellow
to white along the belly. The flank is marked with short, light bar-like
spots and a few to many dark spots on the fins. Sometimes, the fins are
reddish. The lower half of the gill cover lacks scales and it has large
sensory pores on its head.
Bream (Abramis brama)
Average Size : 42 cm
Spawning : April to June, when water temperatures are around 17 °C
Distribution : Europe north of the Alps and Pyrenees, as well as the Balkans.
It is found as far east as the Caspian Sea, the Black Sea, and the Aral
Fishing : Sweetcorn, Maggot or Boilies. All three can be fished using
a paternoster rig, and cage feeder with the bait.
Description : It has a laterally flattened and
high-backed body with a slightly undershot mouth. It is a silvery grey
with greyish to black fins.
Average Size : 71 to 76 cm
Spawning : October until late February
Distribution : Atlantic salmon breed in the rivers from northern Portugal to Norway, Iceland, and Greenland. In North America from Connecticut
northern Labrador and Arctic Canada.
Fishing : Wet fly, Dry fly, lures.
Description : Atlantic Salmon can be identified
by the black spots above the lateral
line, although the caudal
fin is usually unspotted. The salmon has a fusiform body, and well-developed teeth. All fins, save the adipose, are bordered with black.
Grayling (Thymallus thymallus)
Maximum Size : 60 cm
Spawning : End of March to the first weeks of June.
Distribution : Widespread throughout northern Europe,
from the United Kingdom
and France to the Ural Mountains in Russia.
Fishing : Using the fly, good results can be achieved using the grayling
witch, klinkhamers,
nymphs and 'red tags'.
Description : Large scales, small mouths, showy,
sail-like dorsal fins and highly colourful, with spots of red, orange,
purple or green.
Average Size : 40 to 80 cm
Spawning : OctoberDecember
Distribution : Northern Norway to the
White Sea. Arctic
Ocean to the Atlas
Mountains. Western limit, Iceland. Northern limit, Atlantic. Eastern limit
Aral Sea.
Fishing : Worms, Waxworms, corn worms, dry-fly or lure. Wet fly
at night.
Description : brassy brown cast fading to creamy
white on the fish's belly, with medium-sized spots surrounded by lighter
Chub (Leuciscus cephalus)
Average Size : 38 cm
Spawning : May-August, when temperature rises above 14ºC
Distribution : The species is distributed in most of the countries of
Fishing : Any natural bait. Cheese, sweetcorn, bread, earthworms, and
wasp larvae.
Description : A thick-set fish with brandy coloured
flanks, grey tail and pinkish fins. It has a rounded head and large mouth.
The Chub has 3 dorsal spines in total, 7-9 dorsal soft rays, 3 anal spines,
7-10 anal soft rays and 42-48 vertebrae.
Perch (Perca fluviatilis)
Average Size :
Spawning : May and April
Distribution : Common in rivers lakes and ponds across Europe. Naturally
found in England and introduced to Ireland, Scotland and Wales
Fishing : Live or dead fish, or alternatively use lobworms.
Description : A deep bodied fish with bright
red fins and bold vertical stripes on a dark green background. The fins
have strong leading rays, which form a row of sharp spines along the dorsal
Ruffe (Gymnocephalus cernuus)
Average Size : 10 to 15 cm
Spawning : Middle of April through to June.
Distribution : Temperate regions of Europe
and northern Asia.
Fishing : Small worm on a size 16 to 20 hook.
Description : The ruffe's colors and markings
are an olive-brown on its back, paler on the sides with yellowish white
undersides. It has a large, spiny dorsal
fin and two fins on top, the front fin has hard and sharp spines,
the back fin has soft spines called rays. The ruffe's most obvious features
are the large, continuous dorsal fin and its slightly downturned mouth.
Bleak (Alburnus alburnus)
Maximum Size : 25 cm
Spawning : Late Spring.
Distribution : Europe and Western Asia:
north of the Caucasus, Pyrenees
and Alps, and eastward toward the Volga
basin and North-Western Turkey.
Fishing : Worms or Maggots will do the trick
- two to three maggots on a size 14
Description : The body of the bleak is elongated
and flat. The head is pointed and the relatively small mouth is turned
upwards. It has a shiny silvery colour; and the fins are pointed and colourless.
Average Size : 6 to 8 cm
Spawning : Spring
Distribution : Freshwater fish, widely distributed
throughout the rivers of Europe. It thrives in the brackish water of the
Northern Baltic Sea.
Fishing : Net and a jam jar.
Description : Large broad head and tapering
body, large fins and a rounded tail. The eyes are located near the top
of the head. When it rests on the bottom, the pectoral fins flare out
resembling wings. It is light brown, mottled with darker colour and its
pelvic fins are colourless.
Minnow (Phoxinus phoxinus)
Average Size : 8 to 10 cm
Spawning : Minnows spawn several times between April August.
Distribution : Found throughout much of Eurasia,
from Britain and Spain to eastern Siberia.
Fishing : A minnow trap baited with onion.
Description : Small, slender, dark-coloured
with blunt snout and small scales. Belly is cream to pearly in colour.
Stone loach (Nemacheilus barbatus)
Average Size : 14 cm
Spawning : The stone loach spawns from April to June
Distribution : The stone loach is a common species found over most of
Fishing : Small live baits of squats, red worms or blood worm in late
Description : A small, slender bottom-dwelling
fish. Its eyes are situated high on its head and it has three pairs of
short barbels on its lower jaw. It has a rounded body with rounded dorsal
and caudal fins. The general colour is yellowish-brown with blotches and
vertical bands of darker colour. An indistinct dark line runs from the
snout to the eye. The fins are brownish with faint dark banding.
Average Size : 32 cm
Spawning :
Distribution : Found in the coastal waters of Europe from the north-west
to the lakes of Finland, Scotland,
Norway, Wales and Russia.
Fishing : Cotton glove to catch them by hand. The accumulate rather than
excrete toxins so large quantities should not be eaten. Henry I was said
to have died of food poisoning after eating lampreys.
Description : These fish lack paired fins and
possess a circular sucking disc instead of jaws.
They have a single nostril and seven small breathing holes behind the
Average Size : 45 cm
Spawning : May to July.
Distribution : Northern Atlantic
along the shores of Europe and
North America, in the western Mediterranean
Sea and around the shores of the Great
Fishing : Previously commercially fished throughout Europe, but now generally
limited to some small local fisheries.
Description : It is brown, gray, or black on
its back and white or gray on the underside.
Flounder (Platichthys flesus)
Average Size : 30 cm
Spawning :
Distribution : Found in European coastal waters from the
White Sea in the north to the
and the Black Sea in the south.
Fishing :
Description :Dull brown or olive with reddish
spots and brown blotches. The underside is pearly-white. The fish has
a small mouth at the end of a blunt snout. It has no dorsal spines but
has between 53 and 62 soft rays. This fish is usually right eyed and can
change colour to suit its background.
Eel (Anguilla anguilla)
Average Size : 6080 cm
Spawning : The spawning grounds are in an area of the southern Sargasso
Sea, in the middle of the North Atlantic.
Distribution : Eastern central Atlantic; northeast Atlantic; western central
Atlantic; Mediterranean and Black Sea.
Fishing : Trapped and netted in estuaries and inshore waters
Description : The European eel is a snake-like,
catadromous fish
that is, it spawns and is born at sea, and then migrates into inland waters
to eat and grow.