The flagship of William's invasion fleet, the 'Mora', was a magnificent ship
presented to Duke William as a token of love from his wife, Queen Matilda, daughter
of Baldwin V of Flanders. The ship was fitted throughout at her own expense,
adorned with a formalised lion's head prow and an elaborately carved stern post.
The stern post was said to have been carved with the golden figure of a child,
whose right forefinger pointed towards England, however, in the tapestry we
see that the figure holds a miniature gonfannon in his right hand whist holding
to his lips an ivory horn in his left.
The vessel was set with a chequered sail and atop its mast a cross, beneath
which was hung a signal lantern. Airard Fitz Stephen commanded the 'Mora' which
was undoubtedly the fastest ship in Duke William's fleet.