'Tis the uttermost degree of madness and Folly, to Appeal from Providence and Nature.
Asses to Jupiter
The Asses found themselves once so Intolerably Oppressed with cruel Masters
and heavy Burdens, that they sent their Ambassadors to Jupiter, with a Petition
for Redress. Jupiter found the Request Unreasonable, and so gave them this
Answer, That Humane Society could not be preserv'd without carrying Burdens
some way or other: So that if they would but join, and Piss up a River,
that the Burdens which they now carried by Land might be carried by Water,
they should be Eas'd of that Grievance. This set them all a Pissing immediately,
and the Humour is kept up to this very Day, that whenever One Ass Pisses,
the rest Piss for Company.