have no might over me." And the Wolf, which held his peace and hearkened what was said, took him by one leg, thus saying; "What words be these which thou sayest, brother He-goat?" And when the He-goat saw that he was taken, he began to say to the Wolf; "Ha! my lord, I say nothing, and have pity on me! I know well that it is to my blame." And the Wolf took him by the neck and strangled him. And therefore it is great folly when the feeble maketh war against the powerful and strong.
The He-Goats and the Wolf
A Wolf some time ran after a He-Goat, and the He-Goat, for to save himself, leapt upon a rock; and the Wolf besieged him. And after when they had dwelled there two or three days, the Wolf began to wax hungry and the He-goat to have thirst. And thus the Wolf went to eat, and the He-goat went to drink. And as the He-goat drank he saw his shadow in the water; and, spying and beholding his shadow, said such words within himself; "Thou hast so fair legs, so fair a beard, and so fair horns, and hast fear of the Wolf! If it happen that he come again, I shall correct him well and shall keep him well, that he shall