Sheep in Private by the Bye; but in the Conclusion, the Shepherd came to find out the Roguery, and Hang'd him up for his Pains.
False Men are no more to be Reclaim'd than Wolves, and the Leven of the Predecessors Soures the Blood, in the very Veins of the Whole Family.


A Shepherd and a Wolf's Whelp

A Shepherd took a Sucking Whelp of a Wolf, and Train'd it up with his Dogs. This Whelp fed with 'em, grew up with 'em, and whensoever they went out upon the Chace of a Wolf, the Whelp would be sure to make One. it fell out sometimes that the Wolf 'scap'd, and the Dogs were forc'd to go Home again: But this Domestick Wolf would be still Hunting on, 'till he came up to his Brethren, where he took part of the Prey with them; and so back again to his Master. It happen'd now and then, that the Wolves abroad were pretty quiet for a Fit, so that this Whelp of a Wolf was fain to make Bold ever and anon with a