Betwixt Envy and Ingratitude, we make Our selves twice Miserable; out of an Opinion, First, that Our Neighbour has too Much; and, Secondly, that We are Selves have too Little.
A Wild Ass and a Tame Ass
As a Tame Ass was Airing himself in a Pleasant Meadow, with a
Coat and Carcase in very good Plight, up comes a Wild One to him
from the next Wood, with this short Greeting. Brother (says he)
I envy your Happiness; and so he left him: It was his Hap some
short time after this Encounter, to see his Tame Brother Groaning
under an Unmerciful Pack, and a Fellow at his Heels Goading him
forward. He rounds him in the Ear upon't, and Whispers him, My
Friend (says he) your Condition is not, I perceive, what I took
it to be, for a Body may buy Gold too Dear: And I am not for Purchasing
good Looks and Provender at this Rate.