Edward's Shrouded Body

When the day of the funeral ceremony dawned, they blessed the office of the interment they were to conduct with the singing of masses and the relief of the poor. And so, before the altar of St Peter the Apostle, the body, washed by his country's tears, is laid up in the sight of God. For three hundred days, days which stretch beyond the reign of Harold, psalms were sung, masses were said, alms were scattered abroad with a bounteous hand, needless offerings, it might seem, for a soul which men deemed that angels had already borne to the beatific vision. Many pounds of gold were expended for the redemption of his soul in the alleviation of different classes of the poor. Having been revealed as a saint while still living in the world, as we wrote before, at his tomb likewise merciful God reveals by these signs that he lives with Him as a saint in heaven. And wonders soon were wrought at the tomb of the royal saint. Through him the blind receive their sight, the lame are made to walk, the sick are healed, the sorrowing are refreshed by the comfort of God, and for the faith of those who call upon Him, God, the King of kings, works the tokens of his goodness.

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