
Mazer - Photo © Robin-wood 2009

The mazer, popularly made from speckled maple, is a wooden bowl resembling a wide-bowled Roman goblet. Greater in width than depth, mazers were sometimes footed and sometimes ornamented with silver. In the 14th century mazers were deep, with narrow silver bands. In the 15th century mazers were shallow. In the 16th century metal straps connecting the rim band to the foot were added.

An Excellent white Meathe.
by Kenelme Digbie, London, 1669.

Take one gallon of honey, and four of water; boil and scum them till there rise no more scum; then put in your spice a little bruised, which is most of Cinnamon, a little Ginger, a little Mace, and a very little Cloves. Boil it with the Spice in it, till it bear an Egge. Then take it from the fire, and let it cool in a woodden vessel, till it be but lukewarm; which this quantity will be in four or five or six hours. Then put into it a hot tost of Whitebread, spread over on both sides, pretty thick with fresh barm; that will make it presently work. Let it work twelve hours, close covered with Cloves. Then Tun it into a Runlet wherein Sack hath been, that is somewhat too big for that quantity of liquor; for example, that it fill it not by a gallon; you may then put a little Limon-pill in with it. After it hath remained in the vessel a week or ten days, draw it into bottles. You may begin to drink it after two or three months: but it will be better after a year. It will be very spritely and quick and pleasant and pure white.

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