Augilliam in Duchesne's copy: Aungeloun in Leland's. According to the Recherches sur le Domesday, this family gave its name[1] to the parish of Sainte-Marie-de-la-Haie d'Aigullon, which was granted in 1213 by Philip de Vassy to Jordan, Bishop of Bayeux, on the foundation of his abbey of Mondaye. Robert d'Aigullon and his son witness a charter of Stephen, Count of Chartres, in 1100. "William de Aigullon, Sire de Trie, defended Pont Audemer against Henry I. in 1123 (Ordericus Vitalis). He was the son-in-law of Theobald Paganus de Montmorency, Seneschal of Gisors, and died in Palestine, 1147."—The Norman People.
"Rogerus Aculeus," a sub-tenant in the Exon Domesday, is believed to be the ancestor of the English house, which first became of note in the reign of Coeur de Lion. Dugdale commences the pedigree with Manser or Manasser de Aguillon, who obtained from the King a confirmation of his land, and died before 1194, when Godfrey de St. Martin paid £100 for license to marry Constance, his widow, "with her inheritance." His successor, William, was among the barons who took up arms against King John. He, too, married an heiress, the daughter of Bartholomew Cheney, and in her right held the manor of Addington in Surrey by serjeanty, or service of the kitchen; that is, he was to find a cook at each coronation to dress a dish of meat for the King, and serve it up at the King's table. Addington had been granted by the Conqueror to his cook Tezelin, as a reward for a successful dainty, no doubt the above-mentioned dish, thus described by Dugdale: "A certain mess which being made with Fat, is called Maupigernon, otherwise the Mess of Gyroun." It was a pottage, and consisted of almond milk, brawn of capons, sugar and spices, chicken par-boiled and chopped, &c. Camden, in his Britannia, gives it the strange name of Dillegrout. The dish was to be cooked "in an earthen pot in the kitchen of our Lord the King, on the day of his coronation," and served up after the first course of the great banquet in Westminster Hall. This was ushered in with the full splendour of feudal state by a solemn procession, headed by the Lord High Steward, Lord High Constable, and Earl Marshal of England, in their peer's robes and coronets, all three on horseback, and preceded and followed by the serjeants-of-arms with their maces. Next came the Treasurer and Comptroller of the Household, then the Sewer and Assistant-Sewer, and after them twenty-four gentlemen-at-arms bearing twenty-four dishes of meat, all walking two and two. The Lord of the manor of Addington, attended by two clerks of the kitchen in satin gowns, then appeared on the scene with his mess of maupygernon, and offered it to the King. This curious tenure still survives. When the manor passed, by the marriage of Isabel de Aguillon, to the Bardolfs, the dish was sometimes called by their name, and was evidently popular; for at the coronation of Edward III., Thomas Bardolf served up "three messes of maupygernon," one for the King, one for the Archbishop of Canterbury, and the third for whoever the King might be pleased to name. But, like other things, it fell into disuse and disfavour; and when Mr. Thomas Leigh, at that time lord of the manor, offered his dish to Charles II. at his coronation-banquet, we are told by Ashmole that the King "accepted the service but did not eat the pottage." The last time it was presented was to George III. by Mr. Spencer, for no Lord of Addington was forthcoming at the coronation of George IV., and thus the ancient dainty was omitted from the last Royal banquet that has been held in Westminster Hall. The manor had then been sold to the Archbishop of Canterbury, who did not claim the service. "The privilege or duty now belongs to the Primate, or, more correctly speaking, perhaps, to the Ecclesiastical Commissioners."
The son of William de Aguillon—another William—who was Sheriff of Sussex and Surrey, Governor of Guilford Castle, and for some time Castellan of Arundel, obtained license to castellate his manor-houses of Addington and Percingeres (Perching) in Sussex, and died in 1286, leaving no heir but his daughter Isabel, married to Hugh Lord Bardolf.
In Morant's History of Essex I find mention of a Robert de Agillun or Aguyllion, to whom Henry II. granted the government of the Hundred of Lexden. His heirs were four daughters; Isabel, mother of Adam de Cokefend; Ela, of Luke de Poynings; Margery, of Andrew de Saukvill, or Sackville; and Joanna, of Ralph Fitz Bernard.
There was a branch of this family settled in Cumberland. Walter d'Aguilon came there in the train of Earl Ranulph de Meschines, and gave his name to his dwelling-place, still called the manor of Aguilon, or Aglionby. His descendants remained till 1785, when Christopher Aglionby "died a bachelor in the flower of his age, the last of the male line of this ancient family."—Hutchinson's Cumberland.
Again, I find that one of the Hampshire barons summoned to serve against Llewellyn in 1264 was Robert de Aguylon. Apparently he left only a daughter. "Robert d'Agulon," writes Woodward, "bore Gules a fleur de lis Argent. After Joan d'Agulon became wife to John de Mohun, John or his son stuck into the maunch in his coat a hand holding the Agulon fleur de lis."
-- Cleveland
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