"From St. Karles de Parcy, in the Cotentin. This family, then named Charles, was seated in many parts of England in the thirteenth century."—The Norman People. The manor of Charles, in the parish of Dartford, "was formerly a branch of the estate of an ancient family from which it took its name; one of whom was Edward Charles, Captain and Admiral of the Fleet from the Thames mouth northwards, as appears by the patent 34 Ed. I."—Hasted's Kent. Some others of the family are incidentally mentioned. Richard Charles was knight of the shire in 1319: and, at about the same date, Robert Charles of Godington, who held some land about Hilden in Tunbridge parish, was Bailiff of the Forest there to Robert de Clare, Earl of Gloucester. "Godington continued in this name down to Richard Charles of Addington, who died without male issue 11 Ric. II."—Ibid. The name is also found in Norfolk, Devon, and Stratford in Warwickshire. Among the Bannerets, in a Roll of Arms temp. Ed. II., occurs: "Sire Edward Charles de Ermyne od le chef de goules a IIJ mascles de ermyne." This Sir Edward, styled of Clyffe (in Yorkshire), must, as it seems to me, be identical with Edward I.'s Admiral. At Stratford-on-Avon the name is sometimes given as Carles. In Norfolk D. Colina Charles held of Robert Passelew. Westcote speaks of "a gentle family of this name," of Charles (sometimes written Charneis) in the parish of High Bray, and of Charleston. Five generations of them were seated at Tavistock prior to the reign of Queen Elizabeth; and one of them acquired Moreton through Marjorie, daughter and heiress of Richard Ford of Fordmore. They bore Ermine on a chief wavy Gules an eagle displayed Or.
-- Cleveland
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