
"This family came from Sageville, Isle of France, and was seated in Devon. Richard de Sacheville occurs in Essex 1086."—The Norman People. The first mentioned in the west is Henry de Siccavilla, who in 1165 held of William de Braose's barony of Barnstaple.—Liber Niger. In the following century Ralph de Sacheville or Seccheville was a baron in Devon, and held land in Leicestershire of William de Bruere. Robert de Siccavilla was his tenant at Scoteswyk.—Testa de Nevill. The latter received from King John, "after the revolting of Normandy," the manor of Rewe, which had belonged to Gilbert de Vilers, and that of Braunton, "except the land of Odo de Carru." Several manors in the county retain their name. They held Heanton-Sachville from the time of Richard Coeur de Lion to that of Henry III.: it then passed to the Killigrews, and through them to the Yeos, in the first years of Edward III.'s reign. Culme-Reigny, afterwards called Colm-Sachville, belonged successively to the Reignys and Sachvilles, and then to the Courtenays.—v. Tysons. Their principal seat, Clist-Sachville, was lost to them through the "cunning device" of one of the Bishops of Exeter. "Clist-Sachvill contynewed in the name of Sachvill untill about the beginninge of the raigne of Kinge Edward I. Sr Ralph Sachvill knt borrowed moneys of Walter Brounscomb, Bisshop of Exceter, to furnish himself for his journey into Fraunce in the Kinge's service; and theruppon having mortgaged this land for the Bisshop's assurance, uppon the redemption, to be repayde with all the charge and coste the Bishop should disburse. But the Bisshop bestowed soe much coste in buylding and other ways, that the poore knight returning home and bringing the money, borrow'd the Bisshop's accompts, grewe unto soe high a pporcion of expences bestowed on it, that it amounted to a greater valewe then the lands were worth: and by this meanes this became one of the scites and dwelling houses of the Bisshop's of Excestre." Sir William Pole. This unlucky Sir Ralph, having been mulcted of his inheritance in the west, removed into Leicestershire, where he served as knight of the shire in 1312, 1315, 1321, and 1324. In the latter year he died. He had been an adherent of the Earl of Lancaster, pardoned in 1313: and subsequently received a writ of military summons to pass into Guyenne in the train of Earl Warrenne.—Palgrave's Parl. Writs. His grandson John left only daughters.

-- Cleveland

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