"Cil ki ert Sire d'Alnou," is held to have been Fulk or Foulques, second son of Baudry le Teuton or Baldric the German, nephew of Fulk, being the son of his brother Robert. Fulk, like the rest of his brothers, took for their surnames those of their fiefs, and Fulk was at the time of the Conquest Lord of Aunou-le-Faucon, or, "le Foulcon," a designation it had derived from the repetition of the name of Fulk during several generations of its ancient possessors. Fulk d'Aunou at the time of the Conquest, was a son of the first Sire d'Aunou, and a cousin of Richard de Courci and Martel de Bacqueville, the son of Nicholas de Bacqueville-en-Caux, the eldest of Baldric's children.
Although we are told by Orderic that the six sons of Baldric the German distinguished themselves by their great valour under Duke William, from whom they received riches and honours, and left to their heirs vast possessions in Normandy, not a single feat of arms or important action of any description is recorded either of them or their sons, two, if not three, of whom were in the army at Hastings.
A Fulcone Claudo is set down in Taylor's List as having contributed forty vessels to William's fleet.
Another son of that Baldric was the immediate ancestor of a family unequalled for fame and power by any in England. The name of Nevil is one of the greatest inscribed on the roll of Anglo-Norman chivalry.