The name Basset is derived from its ancestor Bathet, or Baset, duke of the Normans of the Loire, 895-905, and the family came from Ouilly le Basset, near Falaise. Osmond Basset, the eldest son of Fouque d'Aulnay, was at the conquest and is mentioned in the Great charter of Montivilliers. He had six sons, the eldest of whom, Hugh Fitz Osmond, held in Hampshire in capite in 1086 (Domesday) and another, Anchetil Fitz Osmond, lord of Cosham, occurs there at the same period. He went to Palestine in 1096 and appears in 1110 io as Anchetil Palmarius at Winchester in Hampshire and became the progenitor of the Palmer famly.Osmond witnessed an act in Normandy in 1050 concerning the foundation of the abbey off St-Evroult. Thurston Basset, possibly another brother, held at Drayton in Staffordshire in 1086 (Domesday) and Raoul, the celebrated judiciary, also recorded in Domesday, were at the conquest, though the latter must have been very young at that time and advanced in years at his death, which occurred in the year of 1120. Dugdale mentions William Basset who, he says, was a Benedictine abbot at Hosme in Suffolk. The family held large possessions in Oxfordshire. some of which were granted to them by Milo Crispin.

--(This name appears on the Falaise Roll).