This Breton family beyond doubt came to England at the conquest under the banner of Alain Le Roux. Nine of the name are written in Domesday, in consequence of which it is impossible to trace the different genealogies. Auvrai Le Breton held twenty-two lordships of the king in Devon, and is the only member of the family Delisle has recorded as having been present at Hastings. Oger held in Leicester and Lincoln and Goselin, in the counties of Buckingham, Gloucester and Bedford; Rainald in Sussex; Tihel in Essex and Norfolk; Waldeve in Lincoln and Cheshire; Maigno or Manno in Buckingham and Leicester, and Roger and Thomas in Somerset and Huntingdon. From this family descended Francis Annesley, viscount Valentia, in the reign of James I, and the earls of Anglesey, Mountnorris and Annesley.

--(This name appears on the Falaise Roll).