Hamon le Seneschal
From Crevecoeur, arrondissement of Lisieux, where a strong castle still remains in the valley of Auge. Hamon le Seneschal, or Hamo vice-comte, was the "sire de Crevecoeur" of Wace (l. 13772). Ham on-aux-Dents, lord of Thorigny and Creulli, was killed in the battle of Val-es-Dunes in 1045. He had two sons, Hamon, the eldest, who would therefore be sire de Crevecoeur, and who became dapifer, or seneschal, of king William, and Robert de Crevecoeur, who was seigneur of Thorigriy and died without issue before the compilation of Domesday. Both brothers were present at the battle of Senlac and appear as witnesses to a charter of the Conqueror to the abbey of St-Denis. Hamon was sheriff of Kent in England and one of the judges in a dispute between archbishop Lanfranc and Odo, bishop of Bayeux. He had two sons, the eldest, Robert Fitz Hamon, founder of Tewkesbury, the father of Mabel, who became the wife of Robert de Caen, earl of Gloucester, an illegitimate son of king Henry I. The second son, Hamon, was the ancestor of the family of Crevecoeur, of which one was Hamon de Crevecoeur, who married Maud d'Avranches, the great heiress of Folkestone in the time of Richard I, king of England. --(This name appears on the Falaise Roll)