Robert Compte d’Eu

Robert Compte d’Eu was a commander of the division of the Norman army which defeated the French at the Battle of Mortimer. In 1066 Robert contributed sixty vessels to the invasion fleet and was said to have fought gallantly at the Battle of Senlac. For his services in the great battle he received large estates in Sussex and other counties and was also given the custody of the Castle of Hastings.

With the support of Robert, Count of Mortain, Robert fought the Danes at Lindsey and drove them ‘with great slaughter’ to their ships. After the death of the Conqueror, Robert joined the forces of Robert Court-heuse but becoming disgusted by his capriciousness, levity and debauchery, he changed to the side of William Rufus. Robert Compte d’Eu died around 1090 having been married to Beatrice and by her becoming father of two sons William and Robert. William who succeeded him joined the rebellion against William Rufus in 1096. Being taken prisoner, he was deprived of his sight and horribly mutilated.

Robert, by request of his wife and advice of Duke William founded the Abbey of Treport near Eu.

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