Guy de Ponthieu

There is a difference of opinion to whom Guy, bishop of Amiens, referred in recording the presence of "The noble heir of Ponthieu" (Pontivi nobilis haeres) at the battle of Hastings. Guy I, count of Ponthieu, succeeded his brother Enguerrand II, slain before Arques in 1053, who had married Adelaide (sister of the Conqueror), and in 1062 captured Harold inadvertently driven by a storm upon his coast. His wife Ada died during his lifetime, by whom he had a daughter Agnes, married to Robert de Belesme, still living at the date of her father's death c. 1100. He is reputed to have had a son Ivo, associated with him in the government of Ponthieu, who predeceased him.

Some doubt existed as to the presence of Count Guy de Ponthieu at the conquest, however, research indicates that it was indeed Count Guy I who accompanied duke William at Senlac.

--(This name appears on the Falaise Roll)