Sheen, the son of Noah, beget Arphaxad and Beadung ; Beadung beget Wala; Wale beget Hatra; Hatra beget Itermod; Itermod beget Heremod; Heremod beget Sceldunea; Sceldunea beget Beaw; Beaw begot Cetuna; Cetuna beget Geata; Geata beget Findggoldwulf; the father of Fidhulput; of whom came Fealap, the father of Frithowald. From him sprung Woden. Woden's son was Baldaeg. His descendants were, in order, son Brand, grandson Frithugar, then great grandson Freawine. Freawine's had a son, Wig who lived in the Baltic with his son Gewis, and grandson Esla. Esla's son Elesa was born, and then his grandson Cerdic. Cerdic's son was Cynric and Cynric was the father of Ceawlin. Ceawlin's had a son Cuthwine and his son was Cuthwulf and his son Ceolwold were succeeded by Ceolwold's son Cenred, grandson Ingild, and great grandson Eoppa. Eoppa's son Eaffa was born. His son was Ealhmund, who called his own son Egbert. Egbert, King of Wessex reigned from 802 to 839. Egbert's son was Aethelwulf, the last king of Wessex. Aethelwulf's son, king Alfred, became known as Alfred the Great, the first king of England. Alfred's son was Eadward I (The Elder) who was father to Eadmund I (The Magnificent). And finally Eadmund's son Eadgar (The Pacific) had a son Aethelred II (The Unready).
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