From les Moustiers-Hubert, canton of Livaarot, arrondissement of Lisieux, Calvados, named by Wace (l. 13630) "Des Moustiers-Hebert Painals." William Paisnel is mentioned by Orderic Vital, as subscribing to a charter of the cathedral of Bayeux in 1073, who, Orderic states, died about the same time as the Conqueror. It must have been prior to 1085, for he is not written in Domesday. He was probably the member of the family present at Senlac. Ralph Painel, or Paganel, supposed to have been his younger brother, is there recorded possessing forty-five lordships as tenant-in-chief in Lincolnshire and Yorkshire. His residence, Drax, was situated in the latter county, of which he was sheriff. Lambert, a Norman chief, held Witham, Lincolnshire, under him in 1086. He founded in 1089 the priory of Holy Trinity at Yorkshire. William probably remained in Normandy and received as his reward lands in the Cotentin, which his descendants inherited. The Conqueror also gave his wife as a dowry the fief of Briqueville-sur-Mer.
--(This name appears on the Falaise Roll).