Tornebu was a barony near Falaise. William de Turnebu accompanied duke William to the conquest in 1066 and with Adda his wife and William his son made a donation to the abbey of Bec before 1070. His name appears in the Researches of the Bayeux Tapestry by the abbe de La Rue. Simon, Thomas, and Amaury de Turnebu occur in Normandy in 1180- 1195. The heir of Amaury is mentioned in Hampshire in 1202. The barony of Tournebu held by Thomas de Tournebu in 1165 consisted of twenty fees. Guy, baron of Tournebu, married Jeanne Crispin, granddaughter of William Crispin, the marshal of France c. 1325, who brought to him the baronies of Motte-Celny and of Grimbosc.

--(This name appears on the Falaise Roll).