Vitalis de Cantebrie

Vital has been identified as Vitalis de Cantebrie, a tenant of Bishop Odo and holding lands of St. Augustine's. Vital was doubtless the individual of this name who witnessed an act proving that bishop Odo bought ground to enlarge his palace at Bayeux in 1078. His name is woven in the Bayeux tapestry, where he is clearly indicated as having command of the scouts of duke William's army on its arrival in England, keeping him constantly informed of the movements of the enemy. He was apparently a person of considerable importance, although not mentioned by the chroniclers of the day. A Vital who was a native of Tierceville, near Bayeux, and had formerly been chaplain of Robert, count of Mortain, founded the celebrated abbey of Savigny in Normandy.

--(This name appears on the Falaise Roll)