This scene shows the great church at Bosham. Edward the Confessor conferred the lands at Bosham on his Norman Chaplain and second cousin Osbern FitzOsbern. Harold continues on to his manor house on the Sussex coast. The manor house scene depicts a feast taking place with Harold shown drinking from a mazer. Popularly made from speckled maple, the mazer is a wooden bowl resembling a wide-rimmed Roman goblet. His brother Godwine is shown drinking from a horn. The craft of horn working was essential to early medieval communities and the hornworkers’ guilds were among the earliest formed in England. Window panes, knife handles, needlework and lace-making tools, combs, fans, buttons and many other household items were made from horn. Harold's brothers, Eadmund, Gryth and Magnus, appear in the upper floor of the manor house.